Plan your word count
You’ll need to figure out how long your reading selection should be. Here are some notes for your initial estimate of word length:
- Consider the time available and estimate your reading speed. Rough guideline per minute is:
- If you are a slow speaker: less than 120 words.
- If you speak at an average speed: between 120 – 160 words.
- If you are a fast speaker: between 160 – 200 words (but that is often too fast for some folks in your audience).
- Now do some tests with a timer to check your reading speed, but remember you’ll likely read too fast the first time due to nerves!
- So, using 150 wpm (because it’s kind of average AND easy for math, LOL), you can estimate about 6-7 minutes per 1000 words to read aloud (roughly 4 double-spaced pages).
- Common reading lengths:
- Brief readings are just that short, 6-7 minutes (1,000 words, or about 4 pages)
- Medium-length of 10-12 minutes (1500-1800 words, or 6-7 pages)
- Longer can be 20-30 minutes (so you can likely read 3,000-4,500 words, or 12-18 pages).
NEVER go over time! It makes life difficult for your host/emcee, and you want to be a good guest so you are invited back!
Reminder list of what to bring with you:
- Your reading selection on paper, plus an extra story or shorter version just in case
- Copy of your bio on paper to give emcee/host for introduction
- A small light if needed (ask about the setup ahead)
- Charge cord if using an electronic device, plus paper backup
- Glasses if needed, water, tissues, cough drops (cough and blow your nose BEFORE you get up there!)
- Your business card, author swag
- Signup sheet for your mailing list
- Tickets for book raffle if allowed
- Nice pen for signing books (practice one that doesn’t match your check signature!)
- Copies of books to sell/raffle if allowed (change and a credit card device if you have one)
- A buddy to help with book sales, pictures, and moral support!
Final thing to remember: when you’ve done enough preparation in advance, you’ll feel more comfortable and relaxed. Have fun and enjoy the event!
If you’re interested in our Galactic Terrors online reading series from the HWA NY Chapter, tune in to our YouTube channel every 2nd Thursday, 8pm EST at http://tinyurl.com/y4gj654q
And, sign up for our Galactic Terrors newsletter at http://eepurl.com/hdjz6z