Coming to Philcon this weekend? I will be drinking lots of coffee – come find me!
Fri 6:00 pm Plaza 2 Novellas are Hot
Fri 7:00 pm Plaza 5 Octopi: The Ultimate Aliens?
Fri 9:00 pm Plaza 3 Climate Fiction—Hopepunk or Dystopia?
Fri 10:00 pm Readings Late Night Ghost Stories
Sat 12:00 pm Crystal 3 Horror Without Gore
Sat 1:00 pm Plaza 3 Science Fiction Disguised as Mainstream
Sat 3:00 pm Crystal 3 Why Join Professional Associations?
Sat 4:00 pm Readings Broad Universe Rapid-Fire Readings
Sat 8:00 pm ConSuite Book Launch Party by eSpec Books – We are launching Even in the Grave and my cryptid novella Forget Me Not, among other great books, to our Philcon audience.
Sun 11:00 am Plaza 2 Recent Trends in Horror
Sun 1:00 pm Readings Readings: Carol Gyzander (followed by my friend, Sally Weiner Grotta at 1:30 pm)
Sun 2:00 pm Autograph Table: Carol Gyzander
And in between, I’ll likely be at the HWA NY table in the dealer room, where we can tell you more about HWA. I’ll have copies of A Woman Unbecoming!