Tag Archives: post-apocalypse

CATS! StoryBundle offering

Need a little comfort reading?

The CATS! Bundle at https://storybundle.com/cats

What do people do in tough times? They run to cat memes.

I’m delighted to announce CATS!, a StoryBundle that is the written equivalent of cat videos. Only better, longer, and with more plot! You’ll find all kinds of cats—cats who save the world (using magical powers), cats who solve mysteries (simply by being observant), cats who facilitate romance (because that’s what cats do, mostly to keep us from bothering them too much). Aloof cats, cuddly cats, mysterious cats. If you want a cat, you’ll find one right here. (And six of the books – including CAT LADIES OF THE APOCALYPSE, in which I have a story – are exclusive to this bundle. You won’t find them anywhere else.)

Recently, #QuarantineCats was trending on Twitter, not because cats need to be quarantined, but because cats are stuck with their shelter-in-place humans and are sometimes not happy about it. Especially since humans are practicing social distancing these days, and as a result, cats are getting more hugs.

Cats hate hugs… unless they’re on the cat’s terms.

https://storybundle.com/cats will only be available for three weeks! (think Ides of April)

In addition to promoting the bundle, we’d also like to put some emphasis on the associated charity, AbleGamers.

Now that most of us have unwillingly spent weeks inside, unable to socialize, we have a sense of what many disabled folks contend with each and every day. AbleGamers helps them participate in online games by providing equipment tailored toward their needs. Sometimes the online community is the only community available to people who are housebound (as many of you learned this year). Dreams are important for all of us, as is being social, so please, if you decide to purchase this bundle, add a donation to AbleGamers.

Cat videos give people thirty seconds of enjoyment. This bundle gives readers days (maybe weeks) of enjoyment and helps disabled people socialize while stuck at home.

And, here is the anthology in which I have a story!

Cat Ladies of the Apocalypse
Cat Ladies of the Apocalypse cover

My story, “Runt of the Litter” features a midwife who travels between post-apocalyptic settlements with her (pregnant) Maine Coon cat, Artemis. Take a peek at the cat on the bottom right of the cover!